There are levels to this!


Everyone can wish for something, but the people who actually go out and work to make their wishes turn into dreams, dreams into goals, goals to daily actions, and actions into reality.If attaining financial freedom was easy, everyone would be free. But in reality, only 1% of the world’s population reaches this achievement.

How can you become like the wealthy 1%? They say if you want something, find out what the people that have what you want are doing,and d do it! So what do the wealthy one percent do with their income that makes it grow and come back? There are a few things that 74% of the 1%  do that accomplishes this task. They invest their money in secure investments and open  up businesses.

Are you doing these two things? If not, then maybe you want to get started. If you are looking to get started on the road to financial freedom, There are levels to this. Let me break it down for you:

This is the stage where you just had an epiphany that working for someone else will only get you as far as the next check will allow. You are tired of going through the same cycle and want a change. You are looking at all these opportunities to make extra money and are ready to make a decision to pursue the dream of entrepreneurship. Even though you know you want to pursue this venture, you don’t know which vehicle to pick.

No worries! The good thing is that you are under no obligation to anyone at this point; I like to relate it to dating, you have no titles and you can do what you want. Go out and sit through and listen to business opportunities, do some soul searching  to find out what you’re passionate about. Chances are when you figure this out (your passion) this is the vehicle you should choose. NOW LET ME STRESS THIS make sure it’s your PASSION! They say “if you love what you do, you won’t work a day in your life”. So make sure your business is something you love or aligned with your goals and aspirations! If in searching for a business that you’re passionate about you don’t find one that matches your passion, why not create one? Don’t let money be the determining factor, it should be second to only passion (my opinion).

After you’ve made your rounds, and picked your top 3 Biz opportunities, make a list for all three Pro’s/Con’s. Which ever opportunity weighs the most positive, go for it!

Great job! You’ve made a decision to change your financial future. Now it’s time to get started. Every business has a system and you as the business owner should operate that system flawlessly. In order to do that, you will need to learn the system for your business. The quicker and better you learn your system,  the more you e get paid. “Systems work, people fail” If you didn’t create the systems you are following, make it your system, don’t try to create a new one (take my word on this).

A business puts systems in place to make money, no other reason. So just make your life easier and learn the system and make it yours. Business has operation expenses so please don’t go into business thinking you don’t have to pay for anything. Licenses, certifications, insurance, and marketing expenses will be the immediate costs. If you purchase a business operating system, that should be taken into factor as well.

So being that you need a budget, you either need income or money (saved or borrowed) to effectively get started in business. Now do you need a job, no, but I would suggest you have someone that has one that  believes in what you’re doing because you will be using that option a lot starting out. Keeping a weekly or monthly budget will help project costs which would help if you were looking to borrow or save a lump sum amount before you start on your venture.

Now that you’ve learned your business, have your budget, and have your plan in place; only thing now is to take MASSIVE ACTION. Just do it! Get out there and do what it is that you’ve been preparing for. No results? Great, revamp and adjust your strategies until you get the results you seek. There is no right and wrong in the void, you create the parameters(as long as they are in compliance with our local and federal government). So get out there and get some results, tweak and repeat!

This is the stage where you are going to say to yourself “I didn’t sign up for all of this”.This is the level where you second guess how much you really want it, and assess whether that job was really that bad. At this point you will get your first check! A reality check, lol. You will see exactly your points of improvement and points of strength, it will be up to you to fix them.  As you decide if you want to move forward passed this level, it must be realized that most people don’t make it passed trying. It also must be realized that out of the people that are doing, the majority are doing just enough to say they’re doing something. So by just doing 1% extra is all you need to produce the results you desire.

After you start applying yourself, you will see results. The results will give you confidence. Be sure to keep the same habits and humility  as when you were in the application stage. This will make you consistent, as a producer you will see people do one of three things: 1) be happy for you 2) get jealous 3)get competitive. The ones that are happy for you, keep them as your moral support. The jealous ones, just keep them watching they might get that way because they know the person you were and felt like they were better off than you. You have to remember it has nothing to do with you. They willcome up with all these reasons why you are doing good for yourself. They think more about you than you do them. With that being said, the jealous people can be used as motivation to continue doing you! The competitive ones, I love those. If you think about it they see you as a point of motivation but they’re too egotistical to give credit so they start competing. What I’ve learned in life, is this: there is no competition.  This competitive environment keeps people in a lack consciousness. In abundance consciousness,  you know that there is enough for everyone and you would actually help each other get to the top together. In competition there is a winner and a loser. In collaboration, E VERY BODY WINS. The crabs in the barrel mentality should be a thing of the past.

After you start applying what you learn, learn from your experiences and start producing at a high level; you are now ready for leadership! Why you ask? People will only follow someone who is produce results. How can someone teach someone to do something they haven’t done with success yet? You will notice people ask to be around you and follow you. That is when you know you’ve started in leadership. Don’t think you’ve made it yet. Leadership is the opportunity to serve your people at a higher level.

In leadership there are levels as mentioned by John C Maxwell in his book 5 levels of leadership. The book also states that at anytime you can drop down from any level if you don’t maintain the traits from the previous levels. So in order to keep up these skills must be practiced daily and you have to make them a part of you to the point where you are doing it without even thinking about it.

A good leader has a lot of followers, a great leader creates other leaders. This stage is after you’ve had your success, you have a great team in your corner. Now it’s time to develop other leaders. Being that you’ve hit the pinnacle of leading your people, now it’s time to duplicate yourself. You have the qualities, skills, and production to teach someone that’s already a producer, to become the leader you are.  You will find yourself learning more as you are developing their skills while simultaneously learning new and innovative ideas or suggestions from your apprentice. We can all agree that we can learn something from anyone at anytime right?

This is the pinnacle to your process now your business is running on its own, you have your system and you have an organization of people doing specific tasks to achieve the goal. You may have found people that are better than you to perform specialized tasks.

At this point, you are just making decisions and if you want to be there to do the day to day tasks, then you can. If not, you can do that too. This is the time where you can take your focus off the day to day things and start working on the bigger fish to fry, or you can look into creating another source of income.

As you can see there are about 7 levels to automation of a business. If you are in the opportunity seeking phase of your life, check out this opportunity CLICK HERE feel free to reach out with any questions about real estate or business!

5 things I’ve learned about business

I am a single father (as I might have mentioned before). So I understand struggle and financial instability. Right now I even sound good on paper, “Single dad, self employed networking with real estate investors working with a company that pays $1,000-$10,000 per referral. While you learn how to invest in real estate“. But those that know me say, ” you know that it sounds good, but where is the success to back it up”. Me being the polar positive spiritual and conscious person that I AM. I decided to make a positive spin out of the situation! So since I am a student of success coming from distress. Let me let you in on 10 things I’ve learned on my path.

1. If you want overnight success, then you need to work for at least 3-5 years on your plan in achieving that. – In most cases that I have studied over the years, success and mastery usually happen simultaneously when you be come a master of something, then you become successful at it. In the book 10,000 hour rule by Malcolm Gladwell he says that mastery comes after 10,000 hours of dedicated practice. Today it is up for debate (Honestly, I could care less about who is right or wrong, lol). My point is that if you are going to be successful at something, you have to work at it and its not going to come overnight. If you happen to be in a 1% that does have overnight success, I hope you learn quick and on the go because you will have to create a plan and hire a lot of people to coach you along the way (and when you have money, its not cheap). The time it takes for success is for reasons, and from what I’m learning, its because you need to have a clear and concise plan for what to do with that success. Many examples I have seen as fast as they come, they go because of failure to plan. Whats the saying “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail”. So my question to everyone that tells me what they want to do something (even if its getting a job) is: What’s your plan?


2.  If you aren’t willing to sacrifice, you don’t want it bad enough. Now I am a firm believer in abundance and choosing both instead of either or. Something has to give because the truth is, if what you were doing is working, then you wouldn’t be pursuing success. So in reality some things need to be tweaked to get the results you want. Short term sacrifice for a long term gain. So if that took 3-5 years to struggle to learn how to live the rest of your life successful:

Would you sacrifice going shopping every week?
Would you stop hanging out so much because you have to go to classes and workshops?
Would you be willing to be misunderstood by your piers?
Would you be able to take the pressure of taking a leap of faith?
Would you risk giving up a life that you had to get the life that you want?

Now for me, the last three were the most difficult to say yes to. Then I realized three things:

Were any of my piers were where i wanted to be?
What do I have to lose by taking the risk? what do i have to gain?
Am I satisfied with the life that I have right now?
And you know what, the things I had to gain outweighed everything else. The risk, what did i have to lose? Nothing because when you lose something, it wasn’t yours in the first place. It was either a lesson or a blessing and its time has passed and the other two answers were no. So why not?


3. Everybody doesn’t share your vision, so you cant get mad at them for not understanding. Being a solution based thinker and having 10 years of sales experience, I believed that I could make sense to everyone about anything. Being that I have worked just about any job industry you can think of in a city environment (excluding construction and corporate), I felt I could relate to almost anyone. I feel like this, I’ve been everything but Rich and Wealthy so that is my current goal.
What I’ve come to realize is that given my background, I could make sense to anyone; but I learned that not everyone shares the vision of wealth and happiness. Most people are comfortable where they are. Asking them to come out of their comfort zone makes people feel a way and telling them gets you a lot of burned bridges. Especially people that are close to you.
Most people believe what they see. If they cannot see your vision, what I’ve learned is just to accept that they are entitled to their views and leave it there. But when they see it, it’s too late. Results are usually the last part of the process. In business they say the money is the end product of all the work you put in.


4. Spend time on personal development while you are on your way up. I’ve never met someone who was perfect, had no problems and knew everything. What I did notice is that the people that go through adversity, usually attain more success and keep it because they know what it is to be on the other side of the struggle. The difference between success and failure is a simple formula. “Get knocked down 7 times get up 8”. Successful people learn from their failures and look at them as lessons. Failures just quit. So if you want to be successful at something, QUITTING IS NOT AN OPTION!
There are people that learn from others and achieve a level of success. But true learning and innovation comes from personal growth and development.  Think about it, you can learn from what others tell you, you can learn from your own personal experience or both. Which do you think you would get the most benefit from?
From my experience,  a lot of people get stuck in their ways, and are fearful of new things so if you’re innovative and want to try something new and never done before, and someone says it can’t be done, I wouldn’t listen to it. If they say “sounds great but be sure to check out…” or “that sounds like a great idea just make sure…” that’s something to listen to.
Personal growth and development can come in many shapes and forms. Reading, hands on experience,  or watching/studying others. But it’s only good if applied. So as I said if you spend your time and make it a habit on your way up, it’s less expensive than getting up and having to hire a coach(especially when they know you have it to spend) because you will definitely need it to get to the next level!


5. You can be the smartest person around and still work for the most business savvy person. Henry Ford didn’t know the specifics of how to build a v-8 engine. But he hired people that did. Bill Gates didn’t invent Dos. But he paid the college students that did. Ray Kroc didn’t start McDonald’s. He partnered with the Mcdonald brothers and bought them out. You get the picture?
You don’t have to be the smartest person in a field to be the most successful. You can just simply see an opportunity,  take action, and delegate your way to success.  That’s what each of the three examples I mentioned above did. No matter your age, background,  race, or income. If you are aware of an opportunity, take action, have a can do attitude and never quit; the missing ingredients will fall into place.
As I said, I’m just a student and this is my humble opinion and observation of people that have either done it or the people that I’m around that are doing it!


How much do you really know about Credit?



During my journey as an entrepreneur/Investor, I’ve always heard about the old “no money/no credit” and you can buy a home! Boy do I have a story to tell. First I would like to take this time to thank all of the people I have met and shared knowledge and information with. This last year has been quite a journey. Now if anyone knows me, they know I tell it just like it is, no sugar coating. So I will answer the question directly. Is it possible to invest in a home and make money with no money out of your pocket and using no credit? Yes its possible. BUT it takes a lot of time, energy and effort.

In my community of real estate investors, we teach over 30 investment strategies and they do have more than one strategy that you can use with no money or credit. That’s how most of us start. Lets face it, unless your parents were educated financially, chances are we are all in the same boat. The most popular is wholesale property strategy. This is where you find someone who wants to sell their house, put in an offer, get it accepted, you then sell the contract for a small profit. A lot of people make lots of money with this strategy as well. The problem is, this is like a job. If you stop wholesaling, the money stops coming in right?

What I’ve learned about credit is that, not only does it make investing easier, it makes life easier when you have good credit. You feel better about yourself overall, get better deals on interest, banks throw you money, the opposite sex even looks at you in a different light when they find out you are in good standing with credit! When you don’t have credit, it’s like you tell yourself you’re a bad person, Nobody wants to lend you a dime, they throw on more fees, interest rates are higher. It feels like you pay more by having bad credit than if you had good.

I recently went to a credit repair workshop with Eric Counts owner of CreditNerds. Who has been in the credit repair field for over 10 years. He explained that credit is like your weight. Its just a reflection of your daily actions as your weight is a reflection of your daily diet. In the workshop I learned that there is no real credit score. They have weighted scores based off what you are running it for. For example, if you are going for a mortgage, they will have a mortgage weighted score. If you go for a car note, they will have a car not weighted score. He also went on to explain the difference between a FICO 98 and FICO 08 score. The scoring changed after the economic downturn in 08. How many of you knew that? The next thing he covered was identity theft. He said how are the credit reporting bureaus selling identity theft insurance. That’s like in the recent smash movie “wolf of wall street” when the kid was running around breaking business glass talking about his father has a window business. Did you know the #1 cause of identity theft is file merge? So that means that they are selling you identity theft to protect you from their mistakes, taking accountability off of them and on to you.

Nobody is perfect so its not expected to not go into hardships, or have situations occur where you experienced an increased amount of financial responsibility and the cash flow wasn’t there. Eric then went on to share some very useful information to keep in the back of your head. Like since he has been repairing credit, he has never seen a bankruptcy filed correctly, there is a specific process  to getting this removed. This goes for student loans and any other types of credit. If you want more information on his services, I strongly recommend that you at least give it a look, you can CLICK HERE  to check out his website. He also provides a Free Definitive guide to your scores. According to the website, 79% of all credit reports have errors on them. So would it be worth your time to go get that checked out? Eric also went into how to dispute these errors the proper way. Now being that if you are reading this, chances you weren’t at the workshop,  good news! Eric and his team will gladly do all of this for you!!! There are no upfront fees (Which I found out that its illegal to charge upfront in the credit repair industry).  This company can help you repair your personal credit and if you are an entrepreneur like myself, they can help and advise you on how to get up to $50,000 in business credit in 6 months.

With knowledge of how your credit works and how to take control of your score, the world is at your oyster. Let me ask you a question. Can you use cash to get credit or can you use credit to get cash? You can use cash to pay bills which will eventually help with your credit score but keeping a good score will give you access to way more. Its wise to start smart but, if life hits and you have to repair, good news, there are companies like credit nerds out there. There is so much that I have learned in 12 months being in my network. If you are interested in learning more about what we do, and how we do it. Check out our next event happening near you! CLICK HERE TO REGISTER FOR THE NEXT EVENT! Or fill out the form below and someone will be in contact with you.

Benefits of Ownership

Elite Homes NYC

In my previous profession as a Realtor, I always  was an advocate owning instead of renting. I heard one of three things most of the time. “I don’t want the responsibility”, “My credit isn’t good enough”, or “It’s too expensive” all of these are great excuses to think of but none are true. Fear has a great ability of keeping people in a box. In this blog I will address the top three rumors of ownership. I will also throw some benefits of ownership. Finally I will get into the renter’s mentality a little.

The mind controls the body as we all should know. So if you think of something and believe it, chances are it becomes your reality right? This is so relevant to these excuses. I was taught that we live in a world of infinite possibilities. So if you think these excuses are relevant, you will make them your reality. “I don’t want the responsibility” this is understandable and honest to an extent. How I would put it is, the responsibility is a lot for a house, yes there are repairs, landscaping, extra utilities, homeowners insurance, alarm systems that you need. Most of it balls down to Money, Money, Money right? What about a condo or a co-op? It’s an apartment that you own. The maintenance fee that you pay, includes all the things I just mentioned and they tend to be affordable when you break down the numbers. If the issue is money, I really don’t understand the mentality. Let me state some facts in the form of a question. Every year or every end of the lease; doesn’t rent go up? unless you have a great landlord, then it most likely goes up. Do you think a mortgage goes up? We all know about adjustable rate mortgages and why we should stay with a fixed rate mortgage right? In case you don’t know, let me tell you. An adjustable rate mortgage is one that starts with a low-interest rate and increases over the years(something like a lease). A fixed rate mortgage, on the other hand has the same rate throughout the term. So with a fixed rate mortgage, your payment will stay the same for 15 or 30 years. So that rent increase, goes straight to profit in the homeowners pocket. Going into the next one “it’s too expensive” lol, I think that it’s too expensive not to be a homeowner! For the simple fact that when you pay rent, you cannot claim that as a deductible on your taxes, as I mentioned in my previous link, the interest that you pay on the home are tax-deductible, home improvements raise value to the house. So all you do it yourself home improvement people who rent and take ownership of that property, everything you fix and improve, keeps that property value up, but guess who’s going to profit from the sale? Not you, unless you own it. Taking the good out of it, at least you get the experience. Now directly addressing the finance issue. Home ownership does require a down payment. Conventional is from 20%-30% down but this is only advised for previous homeowners that are either selling their house or using the equity to make a bigger purchase. FHA only requires 4%-5% down. Then there are home ownership programs that help with down payment assistance. Last and most common one ” My credit isn’t good enough”. Credit can be a major hurdle. BUT not a wall! There are ways to fix your credit in 3-6 months, banks are taking 600 scores right now. Not to mention, you might run into an investor who you can talk to that may do a rent to own situation. This would give you a chance to rent the house out and when the homeowner decides to sell you get first dibs or if discussed and agreed upon can be sold after the lease is up a portion of the rent that you were paying, goes toward the down payment for your home.

Lets talk about benefits. I’m not here to repeat what I stated before. I’m going to talk about some different benefits. With ownership, the government and community looks at this differently than renting. Main reason, a person renting can be there for 2 years and leave. When you buy property, you make an agreement or commitment for 15-30 years. So when a renter has an issue in the community or a homeowner has an issue in the community, who do you think will have a bigger voice? We all like to think that everyone has an equal voice or say but the truth is, the homeowner pays taxes on the land and taxes on income for a long time, renters come and go. Home owners know other homeowners and the more property owned, the bigger the voice becomes. You want a nice car right? You can actually take a home equity loan against the equity of your house to purchase the car, then pay that off over time. That’s called leveraging my friends. Finally just imagine this, once you pay off your mortgage, that house is yours. You can will it off so it stays in your family, you can sell it, you can rent it out, you can let it sit there and rot if you wanted to. Having a house is a big responsibility but it is also a great asset. We all need a place to live right?

I’m going to tread lightly on a topic renters mentality. As I worked in many financial fields, I notice MOST and not all renters share a mentality of short term thinking and they get comfortable in their situation. Nobody in their right mind would say, “I’m going to rent an apartment or maybe get a nice rental home for the rest of my life”. We somewhere down the line get comfortable in our situations and stay there. No offense to anyone at all. Educating yourself on how to attain ownership instead of comforting yourself on why you should stay where you are should be a goal and a mission. Change and growth is a part of life, lets start challenging one another to do more and stop comforting each other, Misery loves company and success is lonely… Which side would you rather be on? If I had a chance to make a change in my life and I would have to sacrifice being popular, I’m definitely going to change my life. Popularity is for high school and I’m quite grown. If I have to live a life of moderation and conservation for 5 years to live in abundance for the rest of my life, I will sacrifice having designer clothes, I will walk and take the train, I wont buy any jewelry, Party every weekend, I will even get public assistance to pursue my goal.  What’s sad is that most Americans are too spoiled and egotistical to accept what it is. I’ve seen people in the Russian community come to america, get public assistance, go through garbage to find furniture and work hard. They sent their kids to school, opened up businesses and in 10 years they had furniture companies, their kids are doctors, lawyers, accountants, etc and they are homeowners with nice cars as well. Now they are working smart, not hard.

I have no problem with renting. Lets make a plan and work on it to become a home owner because renting is temporary. Lets work around our issues and make them disappear so our goals can be realized. If any of the excuses have passed your mind, or you are in situations where you want more but don’t know how to get there, feel free to contact me. I’m sure if I personally cant help you, I definitely know someone that can!

Working Hard Vs. Working Smart

mechanicsmart vs hardthinking woman

Many of us were taught “Go to school, get a bachelors, get a job with benefits and retire” . That could be the farthest from the truth in today’s world. Today you see retirees competing with teenagers for jobs because their pension doesn’t pay the bills. With rising rent, rising food costs, rising gas, rising health care costs, where is the rising salaries? Let me tell you a secret…..IT WONT HAPPEN! Now let me be clear, I am not an advocate of quitting your job and go blindly into your pursuing your passion. That’s what I actually did and let me be the first to tell you, its not easy! After all it takes money to make money right?  I would rather you work SMART and pursue your passion while working your J.O.B. (just over broke).  Its never too late or too early, but its always smart to plan, plot and strategically execute. First thing you must ask yourself is What would you do for free? or What can i do for fun and get paid to do it? Why you ask? Simple, would you stop doing something you’re just doing to pay bills to pursue something that you have no passion to do? Our whole goal in life is to live the life we want to live  not the life that’s handed to us right? I think as Children we did things we wanted to do because we didn’t have bills, responsibilities or a care in the world. When “life” hits we tend to do what we have to do, Right?  I have a mantra ” do what you have to do to get where you have to get” . We all want to live without worrying how we going to pay a bill or to go shopping, party, dine out, etc. without wondering “am i going to have enough to pay my bills”.

What if i told you that this is 100% possible? What if i told you that just by being a small business owner, it entitles you to 72 more tax breaks for doing the same things you want to do? This article Explains some of the tax benefits of being a small business owner. Dining, travel, shopping, even having a home office can all be taken out as deductions on taxes. As a business owner myself, I can personally tell you, the whole conversation changes between you and the bank, the courts, and even enforcement. The most significant benefit of owning a business is the freedom to do what you want, sink or swim in my opinion.

So when people ask me which do I believe in working smart or hard. I tell them ” I work harder to work smarter” Linear Income meaning putting your time in directly for the money that you agreed to take, is only one form of income. Lets start educating ourselves on Passive and Portfolio Income. So we can wake up in Tahiti and check our bank accounts and it is larger than when we checked yesterday. That’s what they call making your money work for you! Linear income cannot do this unfortunately. I have a saying ” I don’t create problems, I see or hear problems and create solutions for them”. Lets be a solution based Nation instead of a complaining and problem creating one. If you are tired of working hard and want to start working smart for more information Click here for the next event!

Tired of living check to check? Thinking of a new way?

Tired of living check to check? Thinking of a new way?

Did you know that almost all wealthy people own real estate? Ironically enough most the majority of Realtor’s don’t own or invest in property.

There are many ways to Invest your money but most are volatile with the exception of real estate. According to the Investorpedia,
the best benefit of owning real estate is the appreciation factor. No other Investment has a more secure way to increase your returns. Not to mention the tax benefits of becoming a homeowner. Did you know that you can deduct the annual interest rate on a mortgage from income? Well you can! Now what do you think your landlord is doing? You guessed it using your rent as a deductible.

I say FIRE YOUR LANDLORD! Start reaping the benefits of home ownership. There are so many different ways of using real estate to make your money work for you. That’s what we like to call “smart work”. If you are interested in learning to invest in real estate and/or firing your Landlord, please CLICK HERE and REGISTER for the next event


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